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Block unauthorized access to company computers using continuous endpoint authentication

TypingDNA ActiveLock continuously verifies users by the way they type. If an unauthorized typing pattern is detected, ActiveLock instantly locks the company desktop or laptop to protect sensitive data.

What is Continuous Authentication?

Continuous Authentication is a security shift from the old model of “Periodic Authentication” where users were only authenticated once to access the network, to a “Zero Trust” model where users are continuously authenticated during their entire session on a company network or device.

With the increase in remote work, and company devices exposed, Continuous Authentication of endpoint devices is more important than ever.

Reduce risk without impacting the employee experience

Protect privacy and sensitive company data in real-time

Authenticate your workforce by the way they type

Thank you TypingDNA for letting me use ActiveLock, and for finally introducing me to a solid example of practical & useful machine learning in the cybersecurity space!

Johnny Wachter

Johnny Wachter

Global Incident Response Manager

Monitor unauthorized access

Make your life easier by having a quick overview of your organization’s unauthorized users’ access or taking an extra look into specific alerts. Deploy the out-of-the-box ActiveLock installer to seamlessly aggregate the logs and see them in Datadog or Grafana.

Device sharing isn’t always malicious.
But it’s always dangerous.

When employees and contractors work remotely you want to be sure only they have access to company equipment. While continuous endpoint authentication is built to prevent fraudulent device sharing, that’s not always the case. Sometimes the threat is as simple as innocently sharing the device with family members. ActiveLock ensures only authorized users interact with company computers.

When employees forget to log out, continuous endpoint authentication steps in

If a user steps away from their workstation without logging out or an unauthorized person tries to use it, ActiveLock will automatically lock the device.

Can you see what my employees type?

ActiveLock is designed to be privacy-focused. We analyze how users type, not what they type. This lets us provide strong authentication security, while protecting privacy.

ActiveLock features
Pro version
Enterprise version

Lock Screen

Locks the screen when ActiveLock detects a non-authorized user. Once locked, you will be able to log back in IF you are the right user.


Opens a system alert along/instead of locking the computer.


Saves computer usage and continuous authentication data on the system in a .log file. The log contains information such as: computer name, absolute time, keyboard id, keyboard type, mouse id, application name, typing pattern characteristics (e.g. speed), training strength, authentication score, authentication result, action. The logs do not contain the actual text being type, nor the typing pattern or biometrics data.


Training is set on AUTO right after installation but we also offer possibilities to manually adjust training. Once initial training is done, the app continues to train and becomes significantly better with time. On special occasions you may want to manually reset training (e.g. you break your arm, switch to a very different type of keyboard), for which we’ve built the Reset training feature.

Aggregate Logs

Aggregate the logs from each endpoint to your desired logging platform from where you can monitor each computer usage and authenticity in real time. We recommend Datadog or Grafana as a reliable log aggregation system, from which you can further communicate to your desired SIEM, data analytics or threat detection platforms.

Terminal Commands

Install and control the app through terminal commands. We’re currently working on adding more capabilities for terminal/powershell access. This is useful to be able to control the app remotely when running on many computers within an organization.

Selected Clients & Partners

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Frost & Sullivan identifies TypingDNA as a leader in
global Biometric Verification Solutions

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Want to partner with us?

We’re teaming up with channel partners and industry leading resellers to get TypingDNA ActiveLock continuous endpoint authentication into the hands of more clients. Contact us today to learn more.