Continuous Endpoint Authentication (CEA) ensures that only the authorized user has access to a company’s endpoint by continuously verifying the employee's identity throughout their logged-in session. An example of CEA is TypingDNA ActiveLock, which uses typing biometrics to keep unauthorized users out by validating their identities by the way they type.
What is continuous endpoint authentication (CEA)?
Continuous endpoint authentication (CEA) is part of a zero trust approach to network and data security. Because attackers can exist both inside and outside any network, no user should ever be completely trusted at any time — even if they successfully verified themselves at the front door with a username and password. That’s where continuous authentication comes in.
Especially in remote environments, laptops and computers left unlocked and unattended have a much higher chance of being accessed by unauthorized users compared to in-office or on-premise environments. So, what can enterprises do to ensure that out-of-sight devices are solely being used by authorized employees and not outside parties?
Keeping your endpoints and networks secure is easy with continuous endpoint authentication solutions like TypingDNA’s ActiveLock. ActiveLock provides real-time protection against fraudulent device sharing. It is a continuous endpoint authentication solution built with privacy by design, as it analyzes HOW users type, never WHAT they type. Plus, your data never leaves the device or gets shared to the cloud. ActiveLock helps you make the most of continuous authentication on enterprise endpoints without infringing on your employees’ privacy rights or affecting their productivity.
Learn more about how ActiveLock continuous endpoint authentication protects company endpoints using typing biometrics.